Monday, May 11, 2020

There is a legacy this virus shutdown will leave that may be with us for a generation or more. A large number of small b...

There is a legacy this virus shutdown will leave that may be with us for a generation or more. A large number of small businesses will disappear to never re-emerge in any form. Those entrepreneurs like I had for clients who are over age 50 will have a very hard time getting back up and running. Hard to rebound fiscally with so little time in your earning life left. I do hope people realize that living like a rat colony ala NYC is not a healthy lifestyle. The dark, dank subway system is the perfect environment for a virus to live and this will not be the last one. It is refreshing to see Elon Musk delivering the news to California that he will be moving his HQ and future manufacturing to Texas or Nevada. Will more follow? Probably the most worrisome thought is will the Chinese or some other country interested in world domination work on a virus that is more lethal and unleash after they have a vaccine to protect their own population?

from There is a legacy this virus shutdown will leave that may be with us for a generation or more. A large number of small b...