Thursday, May 14, 2020

No one should be surprised by the problem with unemployment filings and payments in Kansas or Oklahoma during this pande...

No one should be surprised by the problem with unemployment filings and payments in Kansas or Oklahoma during this pandemic. Or for that matter any other state. Oklahoma's system is superior largely because Sebelius never had a hand in feeding her friends out of the unemployment funds. The scandal that was never properly reported of the inside deal on software and then a million dollar plus a month contract with 'friends' to keep the flawed software system afloat. If not f...or the interference of some of Brownback's staff it would have been fixed by now but it is fitting that it is still in place and being exposed under Sebelius 2.0. The volume of fraudulent filings is unbelievable. I have a very, very close friend who is the CFO of a state agency that is getting literally hundreds of fraudulent filings for unemployment a week. Let me be clear NONE of them are from employees but appear to be people trying to slide a claim through an overwhelmed system. There is a 'general' reason these fraudsters are trying to milk the state unemployment funds that is one of those untold stories of state government. The unemployment agency in each state is self funded and largely tied to the federal government. That is too long a story to tell here BUT they are largely ignored by legislators and reporters because of their funding source. I would bet you that NONE of your legislators have ever read the Reed Act that set them up. They should because they would be surprised what they would find in it. There is money to reduce unemployment charges to businesses in low unemployment states like Oklahoma and Kansas (although Sebelius used much of that money to feed her friends). Not to mention one would find that we have been subsidizing the high unemployment states all this time!

from No one should be surprised by the problem with unemployment filings and payments in Kansas or Oklahoma during this pande...