Our friends on the left are quite happy to talk about taking advantage of a crisis. I think it would be fitting if fiscal conservatives took advantage of this economic crisis to roll back 50 years of government expansion. If one is so inclined to prove this expansion for themselves google your 1970 state income and/or sales tax rate and compare to today's rates. The strategy of RINOs and Democrats has always been to spend a bit more on each of their favorite government pro...grams every year and then try to curry favor with contributors by giving special interest tax breaks. The net result is ever higher taxes on a smaller base of tax payers. I would be willing to bet you cannot find ONE state government whose expenditure growth when adjusted for population has not exceeded inflation. Back when I did a lot of paid research my random samples of states could not find the elusive one. In fact, the rate of growth was phenomenal even when adjusted for inflation. Constant additions of new programs and increased spending on old ones has created the huge state budgets that now face equally huge deficits. It is time to have that conversation that we have tried to have regularly with our RINO and moderate Democrat friends in order to be prepared for just this sort of economic malaise. What programs are necessary functions of government? If public art and television are necessary functions in a person's mindset there is no hope that such a legislator will be inclined to cut even one dollar of spending. Make no mistake resetting the base line of state and federal spending is necessary if the next decade is to be America's retaking of the undisputed lead as the world's economic giant and by extension the one true 'democratic' superpower. Otherwise tax and fee revenues will have to be increased to keep government afloat and at ever greater rates. I doubt if even the most ardent RINO would argue that a dollar in the private sector is not more productive than a dollar spent in government. If not now, when? Should be asked of your elected officials at every level.
from Our friends on the left are quite happy to talk about taking advantage of a crisis. I think it would be fitting if fisc...