Thursday, April 2, 2020

I am still holding some cash for bottom fishing. These "dead cat" bounces of the Dow and NASDAQ are not really an indic...

I am still holding some cash for bottom fishing. These "dead cat" bounces of the Dow and NASDAQ are not really an indication things are going to improve soon. I guess the positive is that the up and down plays are available to the small investor now with online investing and zero commission charges. I think when the next unemployment report comes out people will realize throwing money at the problem is only a temporary fix. Many businesses will not be reopening, however,... what will happen is those assets of things like restaurant 'hardware' will be purchased and new businesses will start up. That will not be the V shaped recover that some seem to think is possible. We are lucky we are still mostly a free market economy as I suspect the really slow climb out of this will be the socialist/communist countries with centrally planned economies. My prediction is that they will at first appear to be doing better but 'flat line' as the concept of supply not being tailored to demand once again proves its validity. I suspect the cure is much worse than the problem in the long run. Maybe the worst part of this is a population that was willing to accept their Constitutional rights being assaulted without so much as a whimper. Next outbreak of a swine or bird flu the government may get away with the same suppression of rights. Far more people died to attain and maintain those rights than this virus will kill.

from I am still holding some cash for bottom fishing. These "dead cat" bounces of the Dow and NASDAQ are not really an indic...