Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No surprise to any of us who looked at the phony models' assumptions that were used by WHO, the MSM and those in the var...

No surprise to any of us who looked at the phony models' assumptions that were used by WHO, the MSM and those in the various health bureaucracies who wanted their 15 minutes of fame. Many of us have have been saying what now is being backed by the data as it trickles in. Stanford University professor of medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: "Per case, I don't think it's as deadly as people thought. The World Health Organization put an estimate out that was, I think, initially 3....4 percent. It's very unlikely it is anywhere near that. It's much more likely, much closer to the death rate that you see from the flu per case." How did these phony models shut down the country? There was two parts to this and neither party and their behavior are immune from participation in this debacle. First---and this is the norm for government---the states and federal government were largely unprepared even though they have known since SARs and were warned again in 2007 that another CoVid crisis was coming. Government, in general, reacts to a crisis instead of preparing for one. I, for one, was not at all surprised there was no emergency equipment for ICU back ups. Consider that even if they had put in place in 2003 after SARs the equipment to readily create multiples of current ICU beds that equipment would likely be 'dated' by now. Dollars for reoccurring replenishment of 'inert' items in any agency's budget would be tough to manage ESPECIALLY since bureaucracies like to spend their money on salaries for the bureaucrats. Second---and I suggest you always consider this with politicians---is there is no upside that justifies the risk of being wrong on these sort of crisis issues. If a politician had said what I have been saying all along had they been wrong and it was more deadly they would have been roasted and likely defeated in their re-election. Picture the "you killed my grandma" ads that would have been run by your opponent. By going with the 2.2 million projection they can justify their over reaction and do what every politician from Mayors to Governors to the President is claiming--"thanks to me you didn't see this death loss". Politicians will ALWAYS take the stance that makes them look the best and has the least risk. As voters we need to remember your Mayor and/or Governor who put you in lock down and consider whether you think that destruction of your local and state economy was justifiable.

from No surprise to any of us who looked at the phony models' assumptions that were used by WHO, the MSM and those in the var...